Information on the provider:
European Handball Federation (EHF)
Platz des Europäischen Handballs
Baumgasse 60
1030 Vienna | Austria
Registered office: Vienna | ZVR 263489108
VAT ID no. ATU 38516405
President European Handball Federation (EHF): Michael Wiederer
How can I contact the European Handball Federation (EHF)?
You can reach the European Handball Federation (EHF) during business hours by phoning +43-1-80 151/0
The website is operated by:
Head Office: Hohe Bleichen 11, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
Postal Address: Contrescarpe 75 A, 28195 Bremen, Germany
Registered office: Munich, Germany | Local Court Munich, HRB 212700
VAT registration number: DE 181155470
Personally liable partner:
EVENTIM Management AG
Registered office: Hamburg, Germany | Local Court Hamburg, HRB 129556
Management Board:
Klaus-Peter Schulenberg (CEO)
Alexander Ruoff
Holger Hohrein
Karel Dörner
Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Bernd Kundrun
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